Yearly physicals.

An elderly couple arrives at the doctor’s office for their yearly physicals.

One at a time, the doctor brings them into the examining room, starting with the husband.

“Well, Mr. Smith, you’re in great shape for a man your age,” says the doctor.

To which the man replies, “Well, Doc, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and the good Lord looks out for me.”

“What do you mean?” asks the doctor.

The old man replies, “Well, for instance, last night I got up from bed to use the bathroom, and it was the good Lord who turned on the light for me so I wouldn’t fall down.”

“That’s nice,” says the doctor, somewhat confused. “Would you please send your wife in now?”

The wife comes in and the doctor says, “Mrs. Smith, you’re in great shape for a woman your age.”

To which she responds, “Well I ought to be. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. . . .”

The doctor interjects, “And the good Lord looks after you, right? Your husband just said the same thing.”

“What are you talking about?” asks the bewildered woman.

“Your husband was just telling me that very same thing. He said the good Lord looks out for him. For example, last night when he got out of bed to use the bathroom, the good Lord turned on the light for him.”

“Damn it!” she yells. “I knew he was peeing in the fridge again.” 

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