A little old lady went in the grocery store

A little old lady went in the grocery store and put the most expensive cat food in her basket,went to check out. The girl said, "I'm sorry we cant sell you this cat food unless you prove you have a cat, a lot of older people are eating it" The old lady goes home gets her cat and goes back to the store, she got her cat food. Next day she goes back to the store and gets the most expensive dog food. The same cashier girl told her the same thing. She goes home, gets her dog , back to the store, got her dog food. The next day the old lady goes to the store with a box with a hole in the top. She goes to the same girl cashier and tells her to stick her finger in the hole. The girl says, "no, there might be a snake in there." The old lady assured her there was no snake in the box, so the girl sticks her finger in the hole, pulls it out and says "smells like crap" The old lady says," now can i have 3 rolls of toilet paper".

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