A man was broke...........

A man was broke so he decided to take out a life insurance on his wife and then get a hit man to bump her off. After some research he found a local hit man who went by the name of Arti. He arranged to meet Arti in a quiet, small pub and told him what he wanted to do. Arti said to the man, "It'll cost you £5,000 for a hit on your wife."
To which the man replied, "I don't know how I can pay you, because I've got no money, that's why I want my wife bumped off so I get the insurance money. Look, I've only got a one pound coin in my pocket and that's it."
Arti replied, "O.K. I'll take the pound as a down payment and have the rest after the contract is fulfilled."
They agree and Arty starts to follow the mans wife so that he can pick a suitable time for the hit. Early one morning the wife decides to go to Tescos and do an early shop before she goes to work. Arti follows her in and spots her behind some tall stands. The shop is deserted, so he creeps up behind her, puts his hands round her throat and chokes her. After the dirty deed, he looks round and sees an assistant behind him who has witnessed it all, so he chokes him as well. Unfortunately for Arty the hidden security cameras capture everything and he is caught by the police. The next day the newspaper headlines read;-

Arti Chokes Two For A Pound In Tescos!

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